plastic film granulators are indispensable equipment in plastic processing for turning waste plastic film into pellets for reuse. However, its high noise level may hurt the operators and the environment. In this paper, we will introduce some effective methods to reduce the working noise of plastic pellets extruder machines.

plastic film granulator
plastic film granulator

Plastic film granulator noise source analysis

  • Motor running noise: Plastic film granulator is usually equipped with high power motor, the operation of the motor will produce large noise.
  • Impact sound of plastic pellets: Noise is also generated when plastic pellets collide with each other inside the machine or rub against the inner walls of the equipment.
  • Equipment vibration: Plastic pellets extruder machine vibration will be transmitted to the surrounding structure and ground, generating additional noise.
plastic pelletizer machine
plastic pelletizer machine

Ways to reduce films recycling pelletizer noise

Maintenance and upkeep

Maintenance is the key to reducing noise from plastic film granulator. Regularly check and maintain the recycled plastic pellet making machine to ensure that all parts are in top condition, especially the blades, bearings and gears. Heavily worn parts can lead to increased noise. Regular lubrication and replacement of worn parts can significantly reduce noise levels.

Reduce the workload

Reducing the workload of a plastic film granulator can reduce noise. Consider reducing the amount of plastic film processed per batch to reduce the working pressure on the machine. This will not only reduce noise but also extend the life of the machine.

Training of operators

Operator training is also a key factor in reducing noise. Operators should be trained on how to properly operate a plastic film granulator to minimize unwanted noise. They should know when the equipment needs to be serviced and maintained to ensure it is running at its best.

plastic recycling granulator
plastic recycling granulator