To solve the problem of waste plastic pollution, plastic granules extrusion line came into being. The process converts waste plastics into recycled plastic pellets through a series of crushing, cleaning, granulating, and cutting steps, realizing the recycling of resources.

plastic granules extrusion line
plastic granules extrusion line

Crushing stage of plastic granules extrusion line

Crushing is the first key stage in the process of plastic granules extrusion line. In this stage, the waste plastics are fed into the plastic crusher and crushed by the high-speed rotating blades. The goal of this step is to evenly crush the waste plastics into small particles to provide better conditions for the subsequent steps.

The crushing process requires attention to choosing the right crusher model and adjusting the speed of the blades to ensure that the crushed plastic particles are of the right size, which is conducive to the subsequent cleaning and granulation process.

plastic waste crusher machine
plastic waste crusher machine

Cleaning stage

Cleaning is a link that cannot be ignored in the plastic granules extrusion line. Waste plastic is usually attached to a variety of pollutants, such as soil, grease, pigment and so on. The purpose of cleaning is to effectively remove these pollutants and improve the quality of recycled plastics.

In the washing stage, the waste plastics are fed into the plastic washing machine, and the impurities attached to the surface of the plastics are removed through hydrodynamic or chemical washing. The cleaned plastic particles are purer and lay the foundation for the subsequent granulation process.

plastic washing machine
plastic washing machine

Pelletizing stage

Pelletizing is the core step in the plastic granules extrusion line, and it is also the key link to transform the cleaned waste plastic into recycled pellets. In the pelletizing stage, the cleaned plastic granules are fed into the plastic extruder, which melts the waste plastics into melt through high high-temperature and high-pressure extrusion process.

Subsequently, the melt is extruded through the die to form pellets of different shapes and sizes. At this time, certain additives, such as reinforcing agents, pigments, etc., can be added as required to give the recycled pellets better performance and appearance.

plastic pelletizing machine
plastic pelletizing machine

Pelletizing stage

Pelletising is the last key process step in a plastic granules extrusion line. The pellets formed after extrusion are usually in the form of long strips, which need to be cut into suitable lengths. The equipment used in this stage is usually a plastic pellet cutting machine, which, through the rotation and adjustment of the blades, cuts the long strips of pellets into the required length, making them easier to store and transport.

plastic pellet cutter
plastic pellet cutter