The industrial plastic granulator, or waste plastic extrusion machine, is one of the key pieces of equipment in the field of plastic recycling. It is capable of reprocessing waste plastic scrap into granular raw material, providing a sustainable resource for the plastics industry. In this article, we will explore the factors that affect the output of plastic film pelletizing machines.

industrial plastic granulator
industrial plastic granulator

Output range of industrial plastic granulator

Industrial plastic granulators typically have an output range of 180 to 420 kilograms per hour. This range depends on several factors, including the machine’s specifications, model and production capacity. Different plastic granulators may have different output capacities, so it is important to choose the right model to meet production needs.

Factors affecting the output of film pelletizing machine

Equipment models and specifications

Different models and sizes of industrial plastic granulators have different output potential. Generally speaking, larger model machines are usually able to handle more plastic material and have a higher throughput. However, this also means that they are usually more expensive and take up more space.

waste plastic granulator
waste plastic granulator

Drive power

The output of waste plastic extrusion machine is directly related to its drive power. Higher power machines usually provide greater output because they have more processing power. However, it should be noted that higher-power machines may also consume more electricity.

Screw design

The screw design of a plastic film pelletizing machine has a significant impact on output. Screws with higher compression ratios and higher speeds can melt and compress the plastic more efficiently, resulting in higher output.

Feeding method

Industrial plastic granulators usually have different feeding methods such as manual, automatic and gravity feed. Different feeding methods may have an impact on the output. Automatic feeding systems usually increase efficiency, but they also require proper maintenance and adjustment.

PP PE granule extruder
PP PE granule extruder

Temperature control

Temperature control is critical to the output of a plastic film pelletizing machine. Proper temperature control ensures that the plastic is adequately melted and pellets are formed efficiently. Inappropriate temperature control may result in lower pellet quality and reduced output.

Shuliy plastic granulator for sale

Shuliy is a renowned plastic film recycling machine manufacturer and its products are well recognized in the industrial plastic granulator market. Shuliy’s film pelletizing machines are known for their high output, stability and reliability. The company offers a wide range of sizes and models to meet the needs of different customers.

Shuliy’s industrial plastic granulators are equipped with advanced temperature control systems and efficient screw designs to ensure the production of high-quality recycled plastic pellets. These machines have been successful in many industrial sectors, contributing positively to the recycling and reuse of plastics.